Floating Oil Rigs REPAIR

Repair, Fault Detection and Survey of Floating Oil Rigs
Fault detection of Floating Oil Rigs refers to a set of measures aimed at maintaining their operability and safety of use. Floating oil rigs are large marine structures used for exploration and extraction of oil and gas on the shelf. Considering the complexity of the structures and conditions of operation, the process of defect detection and subsequent repair requires careful preparation and professionalism.

The company SpecMorService offers a full range of services for the technical maintenance of Floating Oil Rigs.

Defect identification and repair are conducted based on the certificates from classification societies: RMRS, RCO, NKK, RINA, BUREAU VERITAS
Visual and ultrasonic inspection
Verification of documentation
Visual inspection and ultrasonic testing
Visual Inspection
Visual examination of the housing surfaces of the PBU to identify cracks, corrosion, deformations, and other visible defects. This stage allows for the rapid identification of obvious problems.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Conducting more thorough investigations with ultrasound equipment helps to reveal hidden defects, such as internal cracks or areas of excessive wear.
Assessment of Wear Level
Analyzing the data obtained to evaluate the overall condition of housing structures and determine the level of wear. At this stage, the impact of damages on the safety and functionality of the installation is considered.
Repair Plan
Based on the identified defects, a repair plan is developed, which may include not only the urgent repair of critical damages but also the planning of regular maintenance to prevent future problems.
Documentation of the defect inspection outcomes, including a detailed description of identified problems, their impact on functionality and safety of the installation, as well as recommendations for repair and further maintenance.
Documentation Checking
The documentation check during the defecting of floating drilling rigs is a significant phase that ensures the safety and efficiency of offshore drilling operations.

During the defectation process, experts assess the technical condition of the equipment and structures of the rig, paying special attention to any defects or malfunctions that may affect safety or operability.
The list of key documents that need to be reviewed in the course of this process is provided below.
1. Technical passport of the installation - contains complete information about the equipment, including the year of manufacture, specifications, maintenance and repair history.

2. Certificates of conformity - confirm that the drilling rig and its equipment meet international and national safety standards.

3. Logbooks of onboard maintenance - include records of the current condition of the equipment, as well as completed repair and maintenance works.

4. Operation and safety instructions - describe the procedures for safe operation of the equipment and actions in emergency situations.
5. Documentation for communication and navigation systems - important for ensuring the safety of the installation's movement and communication with coastal services and other vessels.

6. Acts of previous defects and audits - provide information about previously identified defects and malfunctions, as well as the measures that were taken to eliminate them.

7. Protocols of safety systems and rescue equipment tests - include data on the condition and functioning of equipment for the elimination of emergency situations and rescue of people.

8. Documents for portable and fire-fighting equipment - necessary for checking the presence and operability of fire extinguishing and emergency rescue equipment on board.
Repair works
After identifying and documenting all defects, a repair plan is drafted.

Repair of floating oil rigs may include:
Welding works
Elimination of cracks and other damages on the body, replacement of worn sections.
Replacement of worn parts
This can concern both large structural elements and small components.
System restoration
Repair and update of hydraulic, electrical, and other control and operating systems.
Service maintenance
Replacement of consumables, such as lubricants, filters, seals.
Anti-corrosion protection
Painting and protecting the body and structures from corrosion.
Testing after repair
After the repair works are completed, the installation must be thoroughly tested under conditions as close as possible to real operation.
Document processing
Upon completion of the repair, an act of the carried out repair works is prepared, which includes a detailed description of the performed actions, materials used, and conclusions about the condition of the facility after the repair. This document becomes a part of the technical documentation of the facility.

Floating Oil Rigs REPAIR

Inspection of hull structures of floating oil rigs is a crucial process aimed at identifying and documenting any damages or wear that could affect the safety and efficiency of their operation.

Floating oil rigs are used for drilling exploration and production wells on marine and oceanic shelves, and their hull structures are subjected to severe loads and effects, including corrosion, mechanical damages, and the impact of the marine environment.

Contact SpecMorService to receive a full range of services for inspection, repair, and maintenance of floating oil rigs.
Fault detection and repair is carried out on the basis of relevant certificates.
SpecMorService is recognized by the RUSSIAN MARITIME REGISTER OF SHIPPING, RUSSIAN RIVER REGISTER OF SHIPPING, Nippon Kaiji Kiokay, BUREAU VERITAS, RINA Services S.p.A as a provider of services for the ship repair, fault detection and survey of ship hulls and ship equipment.
International certification
Specmorservice  is the only company at the North-West of the Russian Federation certified by the international classification society NKK for carrying out work on  fault detection and thickness measurements .
Nippon Kaiji Kiokay
SpeсMorService is certified by the international classification society RINA Services S.p.A. and recognized as an approved facility for thickness measurements and fault detection.
View the Certificate
View the Certificate
Certified by the Dutch classification society Bureau Veritas for thickness measurement and fault detection of hulls.
Certified by the RUSSIAN RIVER REGISTER OF SHIPPING for carrying out ship repair work, fault detection of hulls and ship equipment.
View the Certificate
View the Certificate
SpecMorService is recognized by the RUSSIAN MARITIME REGISTER OF SHIPPING as a provider of ship repair, fault detection and survey.
SpeсMorService is recognized by the RMRS as an enterprise carrying out re-equipment, modernization and repair of ships, hull structures, etc.
View the Certificate
View the Certificate
Telephone: +7 962 691 66 16, +7 812 339 97 19
Email: info@specmorservice.com
Adress: St. Petersburg, st. Dvinskaya 10, building 6

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